The home name of Acharyashri Kaushalendrakrishna Ji is Pt. Kaushalendrakrishna Sharma. He was born on Ashwin Krishna Paksha 8 Vikram Samvat 2053, in a small village named Jogipur in Kawardha district under the present state of Chhattisgarh, in a Shakdwipiya Brahmin family. His present residence is his ancestral village Senhabhatha (Kunda), district Kawardha (Kabirdham). His father’s name is Pt. Shri Nandkishore Sharma. His mother’s name is Mrs. Kusum Devi Sharma, who passed away in January 2018.

Priesthood has been the main livelihood of his father. Along with this, he is also well-versed in the scriptures like Bhagwat. Aacharyashri’s upbringing was accomplished in the devotional environment given by his father. His father is an ideal spokesperson of Shrimad Bhagwat. Following the footsteps of his father, he started commenting on Shri Ramcharit Manas from his childhood. That was such an age that a child does not have that much knowledge. In such a situation, the formation of the child’s personality depends on the people around him. That’s why he gives all the credit for starting the discourse at this young age to his father, mother and their townspeople. In the festival of the townspeople, through them only Aacharyashri was staged. Since then, he became deeply interested in the story and in the study of the scriptures.

He used to study the scriptures daily for a regular period. Those close to him used to be proud of him after listening to the transcendental elements obtained through study from his mouth at a young age. Simultaneously, his classes were also going on. His performance in that too was excellent. While listening to the Bhagwat stories of his father, studying through him, he also started spoking Bhagwat Katha from the age of 17 years. After this, his discourse started on subjects of Devi Bhagwat, Gita discourse, Shiva Purana and other Puranas, Ramayana. In which due to study, his good hold was proved. Due to the flow of their stories from the father, they used to be completed with the same tenacity as the father. Where many speakers used to tell kathas with different plots and from 1 o’clock in the day to 5 or 6 o’clock, Kaushalendra’s story used to be very different from them. He used to sit on the stage at 5 in the morning, perform self-recitations and fast till 6 in the evening and sit on the stage till 6PM. For such a difficult austerity, a special mastery over the fasts of appetite and urine is necessary, which he had achieved at the age of 17. His name is also among the very few who have done such austerities in their time frame of this age.

The Kathas are different from useless discussion, versed and full of enterprise not to leave any story. In the same year at Navratri Festivals, Aacharyashri was reciting Shri Durga Saptashati three times a day. The one he saw the goddess in a dream and saw that in the dream that he himself recited hymns at the front of her. Praised the various forms of the Goddess. Those praises remained in his memory even after waking up, so immediately he wrote hymns on a page, which later got lost somewhere and the memory of those hymns also vanished. The reading style of Sanskrit remained pure from before, but after this incident, with more interest in Sanskrit, he along with his social scholar Pt. Shri Ravindra Sharma Ji (Lives in Navagadh, Bemetara) participated in the 15-day Sanskrit Spoken Camp organized in Kanker. Seeing the recitation of Veda hymns through girls there, Kaushalendra Ji never attended the camp again, although he received many invitations.
Kaushalendra Ji never really studied Sanskrit in a traditional way, however after that dream incident, beautiful poems in Sanskrit would have been written through him. He was very surprised. Father told that it is definitely the grace of Mata Siddheshwari and Hanuman. Considering himself unworthy, Kaushalendra always respects this grace. Through him, he got back the page written on the hymn received in the dream. He named it “Shri Bhavani saptak stotra”. Apart from this, there are beautiful poems of his in Hindi as well like “Teevra Damini Varsha Nirmal”. There are many works in Sanskrit such as Sri Suryaharshanam, Sri Ganapatimadanam, Sri Brahmabanastotram, Sri Nrisimhaprapannastotram etc. At the same time, for the upliftment of his Mag Brahman community, a versed Sanskrit book written by him and published by Notion Press which is Avyangabhanu. The first book written by him.
Kaushalendra Ji was very impressed after hearing about Nigrahacharya Shri Bhagavatananda Guru Ji from the mouth of Pt. Shri Chhatradhar Sharma Ji a strong spokesperson of Bhagwat and Manas. He met him at Pt. Chhatradhar Sharma’s house. Further, Kaushalendra Ji also received “Nigrahacharya yashovardhan Samman” in the protection of culture. He also got many cooperation related to the publication of Acharyashri Kaushalendrakrishna’s first book Avyangbhanu from Shri Bhagwatnand Ji. Kaushalendra Ji likes the company of saints very much. It was by the grace of a saint that “Krishna” was added to his name after Kaushalendra. It was the blessing of the saint only.

Whenever you move forward in a particular work, some people close to you pull your leg. Some get annoyed with you and some get jealous. Similar situation has been with Kaushalendra Ji as well. Even some miscreants had taken administrative action (FIR) against him without any reason. However, unaffected by such entities, He is always engaged in His work. Because of his love for Shriji, Kaushalendra, absorbed in the glory of Suryanaran, writes Acharyashri in front of his name.
Where you are present now, this website is the official website of Acharyashri Kaushalendrakrishna Ji, in which he publishes informative and mislead breaking articles and his creations. This website of his is maintained by Pt. Shri Chhatradhar Sharma. You can contact Aacharyashri by clicking here.